Tuesday, January 19, 2010

winter love errrrr acceptance.......

Listen up. I have a real problem when weather decides to act all crazy on me. Now, while I love this sunshiney warm weather we've gotten in Richmond that lets me go running outside, ride my bike to campus without freezing my fingers off, etc...i'd prefer spring to wait until March....I don't know...just something about shorts in January throws me off...It is not that I am all about cold weather and dreary days, its that I get into modes, and currently I am in a cold weather mode...I have accepted that it is winter and that I must wear scarfs and tights and hats, therefore I don't appreciate these spring teasers! It's too tempting and enjoyable and will make me crave Spring when we still have February to deal with! Am I crazy? (Don't answer that :))

I leave you with a picture of some winter love at Padua in Rappahannock where we spent some of our holiday


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Yeah, the weather in FLA has been nuts too. Hot one day, cold the next...

Abbie said...

great pics!