Friday, August 26, 2011

Gutter Garden

At the beginning of summer J built a little gutter garden for our balcony. We neglected it due to recent events but have been happy to find that despite our delinquency we have a little lettuce and a whole lot of mint growing.

how does your garden grow, my friends?


Mandy said...

I hope your little garden survived the wrath of hurricane Irene (or maybe you brought them in somehow?!?)
After Irene, our garden which is planted outside, could use a little's blown over from wind, but I still see yummy tomatoes and cucumbers and green peppers blooming!

jenny said...

I planted a gutter garden this year, too! I used two gutters and am amazed by the harvest that tiny space brought forth! Love the quote in your about section. Thanks for visiting my little ol' blog. Your comment is much appreciated!