Saturday, May 16, 2009

flowers in her hair

I had a really bad prom experience in high school. I mean really bad. I left the salon looking like a cross between a poodle and a punk rocker, It was awful. Too much curling, teasing and hair spray! I have never, ever had my hair done since. And while Allie makes the good point that this was over 8 years ago and this is something I should really consider moving past, the fear is still there.

This may change. I need ideas for the wedding. My hair is super duper thin, I mean really thin, and while I can and have styled it successfully for weddings and events that have occurred in the winter, spring and fall, my general hairstyle for the summer time pony tail, because really their is just no point in styling when humidity is at 100%.

So though I'd like my hair to look like this:
It just is not going to happen and stay for more that 15 minutes. Virginia summers are too hot and too humid and my hair will most likely fall during the ceremony.

So I am looking at low nape of the neck buns, something like this (but not as intricate):
I don't know if this is something I can do myself or if I will have to get it done by a hair dresser. The hair dresser I called suggested the use of extensions, which immediately brought back the experience of extreme hair curling and teasing and thus hair dresser anxiety.

Does anyone know any directions for easy up dos I could start practicing as to avoid hair stylist anxiety on the day of the wedding?

pictures from


jes [a mountain bride] said...

I like your idea of a bun at the nape of the neck...that's what I want to do too! I found lots and lots of pictures of potential hairstyles at Project Wedding:

As for cousin had them a few years ago and they looked good...but I tend to think that it's kindof an extreme step and you will be just as beautiful without them.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Maybe it was just me but I was a ball of nerves and having to do my hair on the big day would have just exasperated the situation. I suggest you do some hair trials with stylist! And I love the chignon at the nape style!